Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What a fun day I had. I have taken a few days off this week for birthday celebrations. This morning before I met a friend for lunch, I hit 5 thrift stores. This vintage paper swap is waaayyy too much fun. I couldn't believe my luck this morning. My treasures included this adorable 4-foot "real" wooden children's hutch with a beadboard backing, and the following vintage paper items: library plate cards, greeting cards, wallpaper, a scrapbook, 3 packages of ledger paper, 2 packages of playing cards in blue linen boxes, paper stencils, children's game cards, postcards, photos and sheets of music. I couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted the hutch. My daughter thinks it's way cute too. For the present time it will be in our playhouse. In a few years, I'm claiming it for my pantry or studio!

1 comment:

Vicki Chrisman said...

OH... I LOVE THAT! That would be so cute in your room. (or mine!) lol