Sunday, April 08, 2007

Golden dollars were in four of the Easter eggs that my daughter collected at our annual neighborhood Easter egg hunt. She also found a one dollar bill in another one. Lucky girl. Each parent provided 25 filled eggs for every child that participated in the hunt. My son and one other father hid hundreds of eggs in the front yards and off they went. This is so much better than going to a city sponsered hunt where there are so many children and each child ends up with only 2-3 eggs. Happy Easter everyone. He has Risen!


Jana said...

Looks like you guys had WAYYYYY better weather there for Easter than we did here in TX!! LUCKY! Looks like the kiddos had a wonderful time.

lindaharre said...

What fun......we had a much smaller one for our grandchildren Palm Sunday! We had such a ball with only 250 eggs. It looks like everyone is very happy with their finds:)