Valentine's Day - Part V
L-O-V-E is in the Air!
I couldn't let a holiday go by without filling my jars. I love the one in the center. Last year, after Valentine's Day, I found a bag of small Valentine lanterns at Walmart. While searching through my Valentine bin for something to fill my jars with, I decided to see if they would work.
I bought this LOVE ring for Taylor to wear this week while shopping at AJs, our local gourmet grocery store. It's the only place that I can find my Paradise Passion Fruit Ice Tea. Too bad for Taylor. It was too big for her, but fit me. My sixth grade girls at school this week loved it. They all wanted it.
I sent my kiddos Valentine's off to one of the many romantically named postal offices. This year, I sent them to Romance, AR. I love their cancellation. Sorry it's blurry. My camera wanted to focus in on the wings, not the lettering.
Happy Valentine's Day my friends!
I hope you have a romantic evening with your man! You and I were Valentines swap partners a year ago :) Who would have thought that we would meet a year later!!
Sandy XOX
I love AJ's!!! Absolutely love that store. Have a wonderful V-Day! Your jars look sweet.
hey there sweets,
hope you are having a wonderful vlarntines weekend!!!
see ya soon
Such great Valentine's ideas! I tagged you for a game so visit my blog if you want to play along.
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