Is this Africa? No - it's Chandler! I had heard about an animal psychologist that lived near us that often had exotic animals on her ranch. My friend's daughter recently went to see the animals and reminded me. We decided to drive by yesterday and out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a camel. We decided to explore and check it out today. We saw 2 camels, 2 zebras, 2 giraffes, a few donkies and several Clydesdales. At first I thought there was a Noah's Ark theme going on.

The caretaker drove over in his golf cart and told us that it was okay to look visit the animals from the road, but not to get close to them at the fence. He warned us that zebras were mean. Then he mentioned that the giraffes love peppermint alfalfa treats. That's all I needed to hear. I sweet-talked him into getting us some treats to feed them. Poor guy. One minute, he was politely asking us to observe from afar and the next he's getting back in his golf cart bringing us some treats.

This is Bonnie. Her friend is Clyde. I can't believe this is five minutes away from my house. We live in a rural section of town. I love living in rural areas, yet close to cities. Bye Bonnie. See you next time!