Tuesday, October 07, 2008

We are celebrating our 22nd Anniversary today. We just returned from an evening out at our favorite Italian restaurant. We spent the evening reminiscing about some of our first dates, our wedding and trying to remember how we spent most of our anniversaries. We wished we would have kept track. The most memorable were our 1st, our 2nd in Cancun, our 4th in Hawaii, our 5th spent at Mackinac Island, our 7th when we were celebrating our long awaited pregnancy with our 1st child, our 10th when we were supposed to be in Hawaii, but instead were happily 8 months pregnant with our 2nd child, our 20th in Vermont, Cape Cod and Rhode Island and our present 22nd.


Dede Warren said...

Congrats to you and your handsome husband! I love that recap on the anniversaries, it has me recalling my own and how the were spent with Mr Warren.


Unknown said...

Happy 22nd Anniversary:)You many wonderful memories of your past anniversaries!

BTW, my daughters would be sooo jealous if she saw your post about seeing the Jonas bros..LOL!


Anastasia said...

congrats Cindy!!! i love your wedding photo - so pretty!!