I attended
Blissfest yesterday. I knew that I just had to squeeze in time for this important event. I left the house at 7 am, raced through a community garage sale and then on to my goal of getting to a retirement community flea market, then off to Blissfest. After that a stop at my favorite thrift store which is only a few blocks from Blissfest, raced home, picked up my son, took him out to lunch before dropping him off for drumline practice, picked up my daughter from a sleepover, picked up my husband for a family dinner at our favorite Aunt Janet's house, went to the family dinner, then off to ASU for "BAND DAY" or in our case, "BAND NIGHT". Got home at 11:30 PM,left at 12:30 to pick up Cole, bus was late, arrived back home at 1:40 AM. Are you tired yet from reading my day yesterday? But my tank was filled and these peeps of mine are the reason why.
First person I saw was my friend
Maija. She was looking fabulous dressed in one of the gorgeous slip dresses from
La Masion Rustique.

I was on the lookout for the super sweet
Beth Quinn. Found her!

Look what found me? Maija and I agreed that it was totally me. Love it.

I ran into a really sweet fellow school mom, Christine, in Beth's booth also.
I asked Maija if she knew where my friend,
Tricia was. She pointed me in her direction. Found her too!

Don't you love her "BOO" tickets that I purchased from her? She's putting together a little crown kit for me. I've been wanting to make one of her crown canvases forever.

I then stopped by
Michelle's booth which was conveniently located next to Tricia's. I met her when she had a darling boutique in Gilbert. I want one of those cupcakes!
Speaking of cupcakes, I wish I could have gotten closer to take a better photo of these oversized cupcakes for the cakewalk.

Looks like someone mastered the art of the giant cupcake cake pan. I heard so many complaints about them. Aren't they darling?
This booth was adorable. Love all the colors.

I'm afraid that this is the closest I'm getting to seeing my beloved fall colors this year.

A fall trip just wasn't meant to happen this year and I'm pouting about the leaves. Fall is my favorite time of the year. I need to count my blessings, I know, and enjoy the gorgeous fall Arizona weather. We were able to finally turn off our air conditioning last week. I raised over to
Kim's booth. She brought a few of her fun items for me. Love her work. She has such flair. Ran into Colleen and Sherry there. Missed seeing my friend, Sue, but left word with them to say hello and that I was looking for her. Also ran into a new fellow school Mom that I met last week while we were admiring each others jewelry and discussed that we would probably see each other here.
At ASU Band Night, we sat with my dear friend, Laurie, and her darling sister, Kelly, and their families. I've been close friends with Laurie for over 22 years now. I met her at
Gold Canyon Resort where I met my husband. I was the reservation's manager, my husband was the golf pro and Laurie was a front desk clerk. Mark and I had quite the little romance going on there. One time, he impatiently pulled me away from work and raced me to his car to leave. He was in such a hurry. I spotted a golf cart blocking his car and thought that he would be really annoyed since he was in a hurry. Little did I know that he had left it there intentionally. He had us jump in it and drove over to a mountain where he had a bottle of wine, chilling in a silver bucket, and two glasses. He had timed it so that we could watch the sunset from this beautiful site. I'll never forget that day.
It's definitely people, not things, that filled my tank this weekend, but the things were awesome too!